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Best Creams for Pigmentation & Blemishes

People are highly affected by pigmentation, hyper-pigmentation, dull skin, uneven skin tone, and blemishes when they are out. Due to pollution and other environmental calamities, people are highly suffering from skin problems. In order to protect their skin from those skin problems, people use several creams and lotions. The products they use may or may not be branded. And few people without an idea buy and use a cream from the market and then end up in disappointment and further skin problems. And whenever people try to buy a cream, there are many recommendations from their friends and family and furthermore, the advertisements from several brands confuse them totally. In the end, people end up buying a product that is not suitable for their skin.

Try These Anti-Pigmentation Creams And Get Rid Of Pigmentation And Blemishes

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In order to help you from this difficult situation, here are Best Creams for Pigmentation that will give you a perfect idea about the products that you need to use without confusion.

Best Creams for Pigmentation

Mama Earth Bye Bye Blemishes Face Cream

This face cream is highly available in both markets and online shopping. Mulberry extract and Vitamin C in this face cream help to reduce melanin, hyper-pigmentation, and tanning from the skin. The presence of essential oil in this face cream gives an effective result to the skin. This product is a skin whitening agent. This product is 100% mineral oil and paraffin-free. And this product is suitable for all skin types. The cost of this face cream is Rs.599. This cream can be applied twice a day. You can apply the cream after washing your face and applying the toner and serum.

Biluma Depigmenting Skin Lightening Cream

This face cream is medicated and is mostly recommended by doctors. This product is steroid-free. The cost of this face cream is about Rs.400. You have to use this cream only during nighttime. After washing your face, apply the cream to the pigmented area and leave it overnight. Wash your face the next morning. You have to stop using this cream once your pigmentations are removed or reduced.

Demelan Cream- Glycolic Acid, Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Dipalmitate Cream

This cream has 10% glycolic acid and so, it should not be used regularly. Due to the presence of glycolic acid in this cream, the skin infections like acne, pimples, dark spots, blackheads, and whiteheads will be peeled off automatically from the skin. The infected areas will be removed automatically. It also provides glow to the skin and helps in brightening the skin. Other acids in this cream help to reduce melanin from the skin. This cream can be used once in three days. You have to stop using this cream once the problems on your skin are cleared. This is a medicated product and is available in pharmacies.

The final note given is that before applying any creams on your face, use sunscreen to protect your skin from damage. Sunscreen will increase the effect of the cream and also helps in reducing the problems permanently. The above products are much available in both the markets and online shopping but for the medicated creams, you have to check pharmacies and it will be better if you consult the skin doctor or dermatologist before using them. These products are quite effective and will help you in treating skin problems.

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